*(Well, hello there!)* <--- This is what my comments will look like inserted into the letter. :) Enjoy the letter. I know I did!
Dear Jen speak
I am not sure why you considered being a para pro at your child's school. Some people think it's crazy and say that you should just go back and get a degree in education. Apparently para pros aren't taken very seriously you know. It sounds like they are in high demand but not appreciated for what they do. Obviously not paid very well from the sounds of it either.
*(Please tell me if you have any other thoughts on my life)*.
I hate the word Para professional. What exactly does that mean. As an elementary school teacher, I suggest you go back to school and get a degree. If you don't want to do too much schooling or do it slowly get your associates degree in Education, early childhood or elementary education or both and get a job as an associate teacher which is better experience and more respect than a para. And then if you wan to be a head teacher one day you have two years under your belt already and on hand experience all you would have to do is get a bachelors and a masters which would be difficult but a little easier for you because of your classroom experience.
*(Thank you for your advice.)*
I hope you make the decision to better yourself properly. You seem like a smart person.
*(You're not anonymous... I follow your blog. Perhaps my intelligence SHOULD be called in to question. )*